How to Reduce Abandoned Carts in Shopify

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Abandoned Carts on Shopify

Cart abandonment is the big bad wolf for online businesses using Shopify stores or even their own websites to sell their products.

In fact, a research by Baymard Institute points out that nearly 69.82% of online shopping carts are abandoned. That’s 7 out of 10 people landing on your site.

If you want a good estimate of how much money you’re loosing to abandoned carts, trying using this revenue ross calculator for abandoned carts.

Just reducing cart abandonment rates can improve your conversion rates and sales by a huge margin, especially for Shopify dropshipping with all the integrations possible.

Why Do Customers Abandon Carts?

Understanding why customers abandon their shopping carts is essential for reducing cart abandonment rates. Here are some common reasons:

  • Unexpected shipping costs
  • Complicated or lengthy checkout processes
  • Concerns about website security
  • Limited payment options
  • Browsing without the intent to buy

These are some of the top reasons for abandoned carts supported by insights from experts in user behaviour.

“Improving the shopping experience is key to reducing cart abandonment and boosting sales.”

Making the purchasing process as easy and secure as possible is the best way to reduce abandoned carts and enhance the overall shopping experience.

5 Proven Strategies to Reduce Cart Abandonment

Here are five effective ways to ensure your customers complete their purchases:

1. Simplify the Checkout Process

A complex or lengthy checkout process is one of the top reasons for cart abandonment. Optimizing the checkout process can help:

A simple payment process
  • Optimize Checkout Steps: Reduce the number of steps required to complete a purchase. The fewer clicks, the better. Shopify offers built-in features to optimize checkout.
  • Enable Guest Checkout: Allow customers to complete their purchase without creating an account. This reduces friction and speeds up the checkout process.
  • Implement Auto-Fill Forms: Use auto-fill features to save customers time, making the checkout process quicker and more convenient.

2. Offer Multiple Payment Options

If someone wants to buy, but you don’t support their mode of payment - that’s a loss on you

Providing a variety of payment options can appeal to different customer preferences and significantly drive down cart abandonment:

  • Accept credit and debit cards
  • Integrate digital wallets like PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Wallet
  • Offer 'buy now, pay later' options with apps like Klarna and Afterpay or Stripe.

For reference, here are a few payment options you can explore.

multiple payment options

3. Build Trust with Security Signals

Building trust is crucial, especially for online payments. Displaying trust signals can reassure customers:

  • Security Badges: Use SSL certificates, secure payment icons, and trust badges to show your site is secure.
  • Show Customer Reviews: Show off positive reviews and testimonials using apps like Yotpo to build credibility.
  • Clear Return Policies: Make return and refund policies easily accessible and straightforward.

These are just a few ways to establish trust on checkout pages, but point made - Trust Drives Sales

4. Use Exit-Intent Popups in Shopify

Exit-Intent Popups

Exit-intent popups can capture customers' attention who are about to leave your site without purchasing:

  • Offer discounts or free shipping as an incentive to stay
  • Remind customers of the items left in their cart
  • Encourage email sign-ups for future promotions

Tools like OptiMonk and Privy can help you create effective exit-intent popups.

5. Create Email Campaigns for Abandoned Carts

Don't let abandoned carts go to waste! Use personalized automated email campaigns to bring customers back:

Recapture Abandoned Purchases with targeted email campaigns

  • Send friendly reminders nudging customers to complete their purchase
  • Highlight the products they left behind with personalized recommendations
  • Offer incentives like discounts or free shipping to encourage completion

Apps like Klaviyo and Shopify Email can help you create and manage these campaigns effectively.

Start Automating Cart Recovery on Shopify

Start implementing these strategies today to see a reduction in cart abandonment and an increase in conversions on your Shopify store!

With the right integrations and automations for Shopify, Konnectify’s iPaaS can help you do just that!

Check Out Shopify Integrations

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