Connect and Integrate
Xero with Vitally

Connect Xero to Vitally and watch how much smoother your workflows can become with automation.

Here's Some Easy Xero Automations
and Vitally Automations to Try!

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Crack down on wasted time with automations
Crack down on wasted time with automations
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Easy Steps to Connect
Xero and Vitally

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Select a trigger in Xero

Choose an event in Xero like “New Invoice Created,” to set off your automation.

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Automate an Action in Vitally

Connect your Vitally account and select an action like “Take action in Vitally” to make your work flow.

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Customize the Workflow

Build your Xero - Vitally automations the way you want with an easy-to-use workflow builder tools that suits your needs.

Featured Articles on Xero

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Featured Articles on Vitally

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About Xero

Xero is a cloud-based accounting software for small and medium-sized businesses to handle invoicing, bank reconciliation, financial reporting, and cash flow management. Xero allows users to track expenses, generate reports, and monitor financial performance from anywhere via a laptop or smartphone.
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About Vitally

Vitally is a customer success platform for B2B SaaS companies that smoothly aggregates customer data into 360° profiles for real-time insights, health scoring, and workflow automations to detect churn risks and engage accounts. Vitally also supports collaboration with dedicated workspaces and integrates with tools like Salesforce and other CRMs to streamline customer success and drive up customer retention.
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